
EU Fertiliser Regulation

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EU Fertiliser Regulation - January 2018

The trilogue agreement on the EU Fertilisers Regulation was approved by Member States’ representatives in Council on 12th December. It now goes to formal validation by the European Parliament and Council, before publication.
EU Fertilisers Regulation: up coming meeting

EU Fertilisers Regulation: up coming meeting

A meeting will take place in Brussels on 11th April 2018 to address some outstanding issues relevant to revision of the EU Fertilisers Regulation.

Fertiliser Regulation - November 2017 update

Latest update on progress with the EU Fertiliser Regulation.

Fertiliser Regulation - October 2017 update

The European Compost Network along with other organisations have published a joint statement on the EU Fertiliser Regulation.

Fertilisers Regulation - June 2017 Update

The Fertiliser Regulation continues to be discussed by committees in the European Parliament.

EC Fertilisers Regulation ~ December 2016 Update

Proposals made so far during negotiations on revision of this regulation.
Comments on redrafted EC Fertilisers Regulation

Comments on redrafted EC Fertilisers Regulation

Stakeholders comment on the European Commission's finalised redraft of the EC Fertilisers Regulation.
REA writes to Commission about Animal By-Products rules

REA writes to Commission about Animal By-Products rules

REA's letter to the Commission calls for allowing the use of Alternative Treatment Parameters when making an EU fertiliser product.
Roadmap on EU Fertilisers Regulation brings good news for UK composts and digestates

Roadmap on EU Fertilisers Regulation brings good news for UK composts and digestates

The DG GROW has released a Roadmap on the Revision of the Fertilisers Regulation on 22 October. The roadmap highlights that the Commission is considering an “optional harmonisation”, where digestate and compost that is produced and used nationally (ie not traded across borders) may not be required to comply with the requirements of the future Fertilisers Regulation.
Review of EU Fertilisers Regulation: Animal By-Products

Review of EU Fertilisers Regulation: Animal By-Products

REA call for feedback from those who are composting or digesting animal by-products. Triggered by very restrictive proposals for ABP treatment in the context of producing an EU Fertiliser (likely to supersede UK EoW criteria for compost and digestate products).
Expect rules for EU fertilisers to change

Expect rules for EU fertilisers to change

Defra advises that we should expect rules for EU fertilisers to change. Latest intelligence from FEAD is that a legislative proposal for revising the EU Fertilisers Regulaiton is likely to be included in their new Circular Economy Package.
EU Fertilisers Regulation: revision work is halted

EU Fertilisers Regulation: revision work is halted

Work on revision of the EU Fertilisers Regulation has been halted.
December meetings about the EU Fertilisers Regulation

December meetings about the EU Fertilisers Regulation

DG ENTR documents discussed at meetings on 15th & 16th December and communication about the new Commissioners' task in 2015 to decide their programme of work.
Responses to draft proposals for updating the EU Fertilisers Regulation

Responses to draft proposals for updating the EU Fertilisers Regulation

UK trade associations and ADOWG send joint comments to the Commission in response to their draft proposals for updating the EU Fertilisers Regulation.
UK trade associations' views ~ members invited to comment

UK trade associations' views ~ members invited to comment

UK trade associations circulate draft comments to members about latest Commission proposals for revision of the EU Fertilisers Regulation.
Update on EU Fertilisers Regulation ~ October 2014

Update on EU Fertilisers Regulation ~ October 2014

October 2014 update on plans for revision of the EU Fertilisers Regulation, incorporating End of Waste criteria for composts and digestates.
Revised EU Fertiliser Regs could influence UK markets for composts and digestates

Revised EU Fertiliser Regs could influence UK markets for composts and digestates

Proposals for revision of EU Fertiliser Regulations are likely to broaden the scope of materials and include End of Waste criteria for composts and digestates derived from waste. REA is participating and considering potential implications for the UK markets for composts and digestates, both those with product status and those with waste status.
REA submits to Defra, EBA and ECN its comments on the EU Fertiliser Regs proposals

REA submits to Defra, EBA and ECN its comments on the EU Fertiliser Regs proposals

REA submitted to Defra, EBA and ECN comments on the EU Fertiliser Regs proposed safety and quality requirements on behalf of its members.
Comments needed on the EU Fertilisers regulations proposals

Comments needed on the EU Fertilisers regulations proposals

We have drafted detailed comments on the proposals in the EU Fertiliser regulations which will send to EBA, ECN and Defra. Please let us know if you have any comments by lunch time on 27th August.
Update on the revision of the EU Fertiliser Regulations

Update on the revision of the EU Fertiliser Regulations

This article contains an update on the revision of the EU Fertiliser Regulations and relevant information reported by ECN following a recent meeting in Brussels.
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