
EC Fertilisers Regulation - June 2017 update

The policy debate on the EU Fertilisers regulation proposal continues. The  Ã¢Â€Â˜Fertilising Products Regulation’  includes recycled biowaste and other secondary raw materials within the scope of this regulation.

The ORG has been providing comment and feedback on this process for a number of months now on this and more details can be found here. 

The Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) leads on the discussions within the European Parliament. This committee have been voting on the proposals that have been published by the ENVIAGRI and INTA Committees.  The  compromise amendments agreed by the IMCO Committee are available here (item 4).There will be a further vote on the IMCO report on 12th July 2017. There will then be a final vote in September before the discussions start between the Commission, the Council and the Parliament. 

The European Compost Network (ECN) are following the developments carefully and are pushing for the harmonised criteria for compost and digestate, which will be placed as organic fertilisers and soil improvers on the European market should be set. These should be based on the technical proposal on end-of-waste criteria for compost and digestate, worked out by the Joint Research Institute ‘IPTS’ of the European Commission.

Areas that ECN are still concerned about:

  • The need for greater harmonisation of heavy metals within the various product categories.
  • Classification of product categories should only be considered on a dry matter basis
  • Use of E-Coli as a limit value for product function categories Organic Fertiliser and Organic soil improver
  • Inclusion of a specification list for inputs for compost and digestate
  • The proposed conformity assessment being over burdensome.

Published: 28/06/2017

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