
Update on the revision of the EU Fertiliser Regulations
In our last communication about the EU Fertiliser Regs we told you that elements of the JRC’s draft EOW for biowaste criteria have been now included in the EU Fertiliser Regulations under revision. We said that there is a possibility that any biowaste based products, whether organic fertilisers, soil improvers or growing media, would have to comply with the EU Fertiliser Regulation and that national legislation in this area would be repealed (in other words EU EOW is being introduced through the back door). 

Since our last communication, we have received further updates from European Compost Network on the meeting of the Commission’s expert working group on fertilisers that was held on 2nd June in Brussels.  The meeting was chaired by Dr Reinhard Büscher, Head of the unit ‘Chemical Industries’ in DG Enterprise and Industry (DG ENTR) and was mainly attended by representatives from Member States.
According to ECN, at the meeting Dr Büscher clarified that, if EU End of Waste (EoW) regulations will not come in force, national EoW (i.e. our Quality Protocols, or PAS100/110 in Scotland) will continue to be in force for waste-based fertilisers and soil improvers on national markets (e.g. composts and digestates). These products, however, will not be accepted for placing fertilisers and soil improvers as CE labelled fertiliser/soil improver on the EU market (unless a Member State accepts those products from other countries on their market by mutual recognition).
We are still awaiting Defra’s update about the meeting and the UK’s official position in relation to the above issue. We have encouraged Defra's team representing the UK in the EU Fertilisers Regs revision to liaise with Defra's team that was involved in the process leading to the final JRC's Technical Proposals for composts and digestates. Extensive feedback was already provided and many concerns were highlighted to Defra as a part of this process.
A presentation was delivered at the meeting on proposed SAFETY AND QUALITY REQUIREMENTS and QUALITY AND LABELLING REQUIREMENTS. REA will send comments on the proposed requirements to EBA (by 4th July) and ECN (by 31st July). Please send to Kiara any comments by 4th July ( 
We expect a draft proposal of the future regulation between the end of 2014 and the first quarter of 2015. 
Last update: 17/06/2014
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