
Organics Recycling Group's terms of reference, aims and objectives
The Organics Recycling Group (ORG) was formed by the merger of the Association for Organics Recycling (AfOR) and the Renewable Energy Association (REA) on January 1st 2013.  This merger created a membership based of around 1,100 companies, organisations and individuals. 

The ORG is the direct successor to AfOR and will to continue AfOR’s years of highly successful work in representing the interests of the biowaste industry.  AfOR was the leading trade organisation for the biodegradable waste management industry in the UK. Set up in 1994 AfOR has grown in size and stature and now represents a modern proactive not for profit organisation within the wider waste industry.

Organics Recycling Group; Terms of reference:
The objective of the group is to promote the sustainable management of biodegradable resources, covering both aerobic and anaerobic technologies.  This includes the following technologies but not limited to:
• Composting
• Anaerobic Digestion
• Mechanical and Biological Treatment
• Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion
This will be carried out through the promotion, information dissemination, removal of barriers and creation and maintenance of effective policy incentives. This group will also consider the application of outputs from these treatments to a range of markets including agriculture, land restoration, field grown horticulture, amateur and professional horticulture.
This group specializes in issues covering the collection, treatment and use  of biodegradable resources, to complement the generic work undertaken by the REA on distributed generation, financial incentives, the Renewables Obligation, planning etc. The ORG will work very closely with the Biogas and Biomass sector groups in particular, where a number of synergies exist.

The Organics Recycling Sector Group (ORG) will abide by the REA governing principles as set out in the document titled "Sector Group Governance and guidelines”

Key People:
Vice Chair
Steering Committee
REA Secretariat

Steering Committee Powers
The Steering Committee is accountable both to the REA Board and the ORG members. It is empowered to make decisions on behalf of the ORG and in compliance with the REA Sector Group Governance and Guidelines upon which its constitution is also governed.

Its main function will be to:
Review and evaluate present and future opportunities, threats and risks to the biodegradable resource management industry.
Determine strategic options, select those to be pursued, and decide the means to implement and support them.

Ensure that the sector group’s organisational structure and capability are appropriate for implementing the chosen strategies (and if not to revisit the strategy).

Any complaints about the Steering Committees operation or conduct in the first instance must be referred to the Steering Committee’s Chairman or deputy. If a satisfactory resolution is not forthcoming, the matter will be referred to the REA Board, who will act as sole arbitrator and whose decision is final.

Resource Group Aims
To raise awareness of sustainable management of biodegradable resources in Whitehall and Westminster through lobbying of parliamentarians and government officials in relation to:

• The promotion of biodegradable resource management at all scales and in all sectors
• The identification and removal of barriers to the operation of biological treatment without compromising the safety of on-site operation, regardless of the technology adopted.
• Financial incentives/fiscal regulatory structure that are both sufficient in scale and stable in operation
• Encouragement of innovation and development of the technology utilised in the biodegradable resource management sector
• Ensuring that regulatory constraints placed on the industry are not over burdensome and do not reduce future investment in the sector.
• To cooperate with other REA sector groups and in particular the Biogas group, to ensure shared objectives can be achieved in a systematic, joined up manner
• To support the continued development of product certification necessary to safeguard the industries reputation and build confidence in end markets
• To work with other sectors to create a stable and robust supply chain capable of meeting growth in the sector, skills etc
• To be the preferred reference source for the biodegradable treatment of organic resources in the UK market through:
• Creation and maintenance of a website dedicated to biological treatment
• promotion of Best Practice Guidance for aerobic and anaerobic treatment of biowastes
• Delivering seminars/presentations throughout the UK and the rest of the world at overseas conferences
• Co-ordination & promotion of publicity helpful to the biodegradable  resource management industry
• Any other activity helpful to the collection, treatment and use of biodegradable resources.
• To work with others sharing similar objectives
• To assist with inward trade missions
• To assist with data input into government consultations
Most activities should be self-financing.
Requests for additional expenditure will need to be made to the REA Chief Executive.

The ORG sector group including all sector members aims to meet at least quarterly or more frequently if required. Minutes will be taken and circulated to the ORG promptly.
The steering group to meet quarterly and minutes to be recorded for wi
der circulation.
AfOR Homepage
Jul 27
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