
Good news for the UK’s composting and AD sectors!

It was explained at yesterday’s meeting (16-03-15) of the European Commission’s Fertilisers Working Group that revision of the Fertilisers Regulation is not included in the EC’s work programme for this year.  This was a political decision from the top of the Commission and it’s unknown whether the revision will be reopened in the future.  

The EC’s team who had been working on this topic are exploring different possibilities for including organic fertilisers in a future revision but nothing is clear at the moment. Meeting participants were informed that revision of the EU Fertilisers Regulation might fall under the Circular Economy Package, which is expected to be proposed by the EC in late 2015.  

The REA has been contributing evidence and UK industry views during the EC’s work.  Many of our European counterparts will be disappointed by this latest news, even though it means they remain free to devise their own national End of Waste criteria for composts and digestates made from wastes.  

From our perspective, the REA is relieved that UK compost and digestate producers and our certification schemes will not have to realign to EU criteria.  Such change would have been costly and some of the draft criteria would have been impossible to meet.  Our members will be pleased to continue marketing quality compost and digestate products that comply with the UK’s relevant PASs and Quality Protocols.  

We will keep members informed about any further developments on this topic. 

Members should contact Emily Nichols if they would like discuss the issues with the REA (, 07771 556231).

Webpage published 17/03/2015.

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