
Responses to draft proposals for updating the EU Fertilisers Regulation

In response to draft proposals from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Enterprise (DG ENTR) for updating the EU Fertilisers Regulation (click HERE for details), the REA, ESA, ADBA, ADOWG and CIWM have collaborated to agree and return joint comments (click HERE) on 5th December.  These comments take into account feedback from members and were also sent to the UK government representative who will participate in the final meetings in Brussels on 15th and 16th December. 

Since mid October the REA has also communicated at length with the European Biogas Association (EBA), which recently submitted its comments to DG ENTR on 24th November (click HERE).  Similarly, the REA has expressed its views during drafting of the FEAD, European Compost Network and EBA ‘common statement’ document. These European trade associations sent their finalised document to the Commission on 10th December (click HERE).

These organisations broadly support inclusion of EoW criteria in the revised EU Fertilisers Regulation but the UK trade associations and ADOWG do not, preferring to keep the UK EoW criteria already established for composts and digestates derived from biodegradable wastes.  In addition, on some aspects of the proposals we disagree with what these European organisations have called for.  

FEAD, ECN and EBA will be participating in December’s final meetings whereas the UK trade associations and ADOWG will not (in effect, DG ENTR's rules for participation exclude national organisations apart from EU Member State governments).  Consequently we have asked the European trade associations for their feedback after the meetings and will update members again soon after we receive it.

At the REA, member enquiries on this topic are handled by Emily Nichols (, mobile 07771 556231).

Article published: 11/12/2014
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