
EU EoW: call for further feedback and evidence
On 14th January 2013, JRC-ITPS sent the following communication to members of the Technical Working Group:
"Herewith we are pleased to update you on the process on End-of-Waste Criteria for Biodegradable waste subject to biological treatment (compost/digestate).
First of all, we would like to thank all stakeholders for their valuable input. We have received a lot of comments and additional information, for which we are grateful. We have posted the filled out comment template files from our TWG members, for which we received publication authorization (through the checkbox)...For your convenience, the feedback summary file has also been attached to this e-mail."
"From the comments we received, we understand that certain parts of the Third Working document still raise questions and could benefit from explanation and discussion. At the same time, we have received many comments that call for a thorough and evidence based debate.  Therefore, by way of an exception, we intend to organize a Third Workshop, on Tuesday 26 February 2013, at the IPTS premises [in Seville]."
"Contrary to the two previous Seville meetings, this Third Workshop will only deal with a limited number of outstanding issues, on which TWG views still largely diverge:
  Product quality criteria:
  • Setting limit values for Cu and Zn in compost/digestate
  • Setting limit values for organic pollutants (compound selection, limits, cost of analysis, frequency of analysis and exemption possibilities)
  • Using standard Horizontal analysis methods (issue of stability)
  Input Material Criteria:
  • Eligibility of mixed municipal waste, sewage sludge and manure on positive lists
  • Eligibility of additives (e.g. only those additives should be listed that are needed during the process)
  • Eligibility of other items on positive list (e.g. non-sewage based sludges)


 Description of impacts:

  • Costs and savings through EoW
  • How to ensure market strengthening and technology development for compost and digestate by EoW
  • Impact for composting and digestion industry by introduction of EoW"
"We also plan to invite additional experts to support the scientific discussions at the Third Workshop.  Given a.o. the constraints on capacity of the meeting room, we regret again not to be able to invite all TWG members to the Workshop. In order to ensure a high degree of continuity in the discussions, it is likely that we will invite the TWG members that participated during the last Workshop. We strongly stress, however, that possible participants should not arrange any travel arrangements before having received a formal and personal invitation to the Workshop, sent by us directly to the invited participant."
"Please note that we will not provide any modified version of the Third Working document before the Third Workshop, as to ensure that the outstanding items have been discussed before further issuing any documents.  In the meanwhile, we would invite all TWG members to provide additional techno-economic and scientific evidence to support the discussions at the Third Workshop.  Please take into account the following when sending us your information:
  • Information should be targeted to the outstanding items indicated above.
  • Information should be recent and reflect the current compost/digestate sector (preferably not older than 5-10 years). Nevertheless, historical information may be very valuable as long as it is put in the correct context (e.g. information on development of compost markets or historical incidents).
  • Information should preferentially cover a broad area (e.g. data on different types of compost and digestate, rather than one single type) and be relevant to the scope of this end-of-waste study (e.g. organic pollutant data for composted sewage sludge and not for raw sludge).
  • Information should be of high scientific quality and balanced (peer reviewed papers, independent market surveys or scenario analyses, etc). Representative and long term studies as well as reviews that scrutinize multiple studies might be more usable to support the upcoming discussions than anecdotal information.
  • Information should focus on the current end-of-waste study and take into account the full set of  4 end-of-waste conditions."
"We would appreciate to receive the information as a summary document of maximum 5 pages (in English), with supporting documents attached or provided through clear and easily accessible references (e.g. URL to pdf documents). We expect one reply per organization or Member State, to be sent by e-mail to  Please refrain from sending us information representing industrial, political or other viewpoints without being supported by relevant and current evidence, as we may not be able to retain it for the discussions at the Third Workshop.  All information should be sent by Monday 21 January 2013, so that it can be reviewed and merged in preparation of the Third Workshop."
"After the Third Workshop, we might send out an additional request for evidence and information on any outstanding issues, if needed. All possible further actions will be communicated by e-mail to the full TWG at once."
Response from UK Government - please click HERE
Response from Organics Recycling Group, part of the Renewable Energy Association.
Please note that ORG received request from Defra to provide more recent data on PTEs in composts and from JRC-ITPS for some specific information, such as costs of testing, certification and independent sample taking.
  • UK compost PTE data 2009 - 2012 anonymised - please click HERE
  • Positive lists final consultation ORG response 21012013 - please click HERE
  • SEPA's guidance on classification of outputs from AD processes (their EoW position, including some specific caveats on input materials) - please click HERE
  • EU EoW 3rd WD sample testing, certification and independent sampling costs - please click HERE
Please contact Emily Nichols (tel 07771 556231, if you would like to discuss EoW issues.
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