
ORG Environmental Policy

The Organics Recycling Group (ORG) is committed to the sustainable management of biodegradable resources. It promotes the benefits of composting and other biological treatment techniques for the enhancement of the environment, business and society. Therefore, it is only logical that it has a rigorous environmental policy. Like any organisation, ORG recognises that in delivering services, it may have adverse impacts on the environment and these may be greater than is avoidable.

This policy statement provides a ‘statement of intent’ committing ORG to develop its environmental performance via an integrated approach based on the principle of continuous improvement. As a consequence of this, the management are committed to continuous improvements in environmental performance and the prevention of pollution.

The ORG will control and manage its activities to ensure risks to the health, safety and welfare of its employees, customers and the public are identified and action taken to minimise or eliminate their effects. Environmental regulations, laws and codes of practice will be regarded as setting the minimum standards of environmental performance.

Adverse effects of operational activities on the environment will be minimised as far as practicable.

The objectives of the policy are:

  • To comply with legal obligations under the current Health & Safety at Work Act together with all other applicable statutory provisions and relevant codes of practice
  • To promote health, safety and environmental awareness throughout the organisation
  • To maintain a safe and healthy working environment for its employees, with adequate facilities appropriate to the nature of the business activities
  • To minimise the social impact of the company activities and avoid damage to the environment through regular reviews of the business from environmental and management systems audits
  • To undertake environmental impact studies as part of any company relocation or enlargement of existing facilities
  • To purchase, wherever possible, environmentally superior products and services from suppliers who have demonstrated a commitment to good environmental practice
  • To develop and maintain a comprehensive waste management strategy to ensure disposal of all waste through safe and responsible methods

More specifically, the ORG makes the following commitments:

Responsibility for products

The ORG will consider the environmental impacts of its activities at all stages of their life cycle - from design, to production, use, and finally disposal.

Resource consumption

The Association will seek to address its impact on the environment through the adoption of a sustainable procurement policy. We will conserve resources through efficient use and careful planning.


The ORG maintains that a primary part of its environmental strategy is sustainable waste management and as such recognises its responsibilities to recycle materials wherever possible.

Disposal of waste

The ORG will minimise waste, and whenever possible recycle materials. We will dispose of all waste through safe and responsible methods.

The supply chain

The ORG will work with our suppliers to ensure they recognise and reduce the environmental impact of their products and transportation.

Training personnel

The ORG will implement our policies through guidelines and training.

Targets and goals

The ORG will set environmental targets and goals designed to improve our environmental performance.


We will conduct an annual self-evaluation of our performance in implementing these principles and in complying with all applicable laws and regulations.

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Jul 27
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