
Waste Treatment BREF - October 2017 Update

The Bureau have release the final draft of the WT BREF. There is a clean copy of the full BREF on the EIPPCB website. There may be some further formatting on this version. You can also see the BAT conclusions as a stand alone document which has most of the changes tracked, although some BAT Conclusions, techniques, BAT-AELs tables and footnotes have been re-numbered and the tables concerning monitoring of emissions to air and to water have been re-ordered. These changes are not traced in the coloured version of the BAT Conclusions as it would have made the document too difficult to read.

This Final Draft takes into account the feedback the Bureau received about the pre-final draft in July. 

Preparations will now be made for the first of the two voting forums – the Article 13 forum.  The date of this meeting has yet to be released.

The EA (who are leading on this for the UK) are happy to take any final comments if any showstoppers are spotted, please send anything to Jenny who can pass it on. 


Published: 25/10/17

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