
New guidance for food waste collection published

New guidance has been published that is designed for companies collecting food waste from businesses to help them save money, manage compliance risk and provide their customers with a better service. It outlines how collection companies can benefit from improving feedstock quality and practical steps on how it can be achieved. It also provides some examples of how this can be incorporated into your policies and day-to-day operations.

The guidance was developed by the Quality Action Plan (QAP) for Compost and Digestate, a cross-industry group which includes REA's Organics Recycling Group and it builds on the experience and policies of some of the best in the business. The QAP is focussed on the continuous improvement of compost and digestate products. The QAP also works to improve the quality of feedstocks in order to improve the quality of end products and works in collaboration with the related industry Food Waste Recycling Action Plan.

Guidance for food waste collection

Example food waste collection policy

Published: 10/08/2017

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