
Waste Treatment BREF - February 2017 Update

In February 2017, as part of the next stage of the review of the waste treatment BREF, the Bureau released revised proposals for the BAT conclusions along with a background paper which explains the main issues to be discussed at the final Technical Working Group meeting (due to be held in mid March). 

As a reminder the BREF is a European Commission document and when it is published it will be the BAT conclusions that all AD and Composting sites (operating as installations or with PPC permits, i.e. over 100t/day for AD or over 75t/day for composting) have to comply with.

It is important to note that the BAT conclusions adopt a risk based approach and are neither prescriptive or exhaustive.

We circulated these documents to members along with a summary of the main changes from the previous version, including outlining some of our possible concerns and also updated the monitoring requirements and BAT-AEL (associated emission levels) here. 

We invited comments from members and during February had number of discussions with other trade associations. We provided input and comments to the EA (for input into the UK response) and European Biogas Association. 

The EA are finalising the UK comments and will be putting them to the BRef programme board for approval prior to submission to the Bureau.   

If you need any further information or wish to discuss, please contact Jenny.

Published: 20/2/17
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