
Waste Treatment BREF - January 2017

The Waste Treatment BREF is the EU reference document setting out best available techniques for the waste sector. It is being revised and was consulted on in 2016. The IPPC Bureau have been considering the comments received on draft 1 and during the interactive webinars held in September.

The Bureau plan to release revised proposals for the BAT conclusions early January 2017 together with a Background Paper (BP).  This will set out how the main comments received on Draft 1 (D1) of the WT BREF have been accounted for and how the draft BAT conclusions could be revised. We will be given the opportunity to provide feedback on both documents (i.e. revised draft BAT conclusions and Background Paper) prior to the Final TWG Meeting.

The revised draft BAT conclusions will then be discussed at the Final TWG Meeting - March 2017 (tentative).

In addition to the above info from the Bureau, Ricardo Energy & Environment has been awarded a project funded by Defra to develop a framework for assessing the economic and environmental impacts of the BREF. The project will inform the UK’s position during the development and finalisation of a BREF by establishing a common framework for determining what the potential impacts of BREFs and more specifically, BAT Conclusions may be, to ensure that costs are proportionate to benefits achieved and that there is a consistent approach to the assessment of impacts across all BREFs.  ORG will be involved with this work related to biological treatment and we may need some information from members to fill some identified gaps in data or current practices.

Next steps:

Release of the proposed revised draft BAT conclusions together with the BP: tentatively third week of January 2017.

Release of updated tables and graphs related to emissions to air/water: tentatively together with the proposed revised draft BAT conclusions and BP, or shortly after.

Final TWG meeting tentatively late March 2017.

After the final TWG meeting, a pre-final draft of the entire BREF will be released, together with the EIPPCB assessment of the 3413 comments received on D1.

Member input:

We will circulate the next draft to members as soon as we receive it. In the draft 1 there were some associated emission levels (AELs) for emissions to air and waste from biological treatment. We have put together a summary of the proposed requirements and if you have any feedback on the AELs and how achievable you think they are, please send to Jenny and if you would like any further information, please contact Jenny Grant (

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