
We need your feedback on the BAT conclusions in the draft of the Waste Treatment BREF  

Just before Christmas we notified you that the first draft of the revised Waste Treatment BREF had been published. We are now keen to get some feedback on this, in particular on the BAT conclusions (chapter 6). As a reminder, once this document is finalised and published, it will be the BAT guidance that the UK regulators will use for enforcement for all waste treatment facilities.

BAT conclusions in the Waste Treatment BREF
The JRC have published the first draft of the revised Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for Waste Treatment (WT BREF). This covers both composting and anaerobic digestion along with other waste treatments. 

We are particularly keen to get your feedback on the BAT conclusions and to assist we have put the BAT conclusions (chapter 6) in a separate document and we have been through this and highlighted in yellow the most relevant sections and asked some specific questions and flagged areas of concern, using comment boxes.

We very much welcome any comments and feedback. Please could you record your comments using this spreadsheet and we will collate these. We will be providing feedback to the technical working group and to the EA for inclusion in the UK response. Please forward comments to Jeremy as soon as you can but by 19th February 2016 at the latest please. 

The full BREF document can be found here. Of particular relevance is Chapter 4 (p361-502) on Biological Treatment along with the BAT conclusions in Chapter 6.

Whilst we keep all members informed of developments, we do have an email list of members who've specifically asked to be kept informed on BREF issues, if you would like to join this group, please let Jenny know.  

Published: 11/01/2016

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