
SEPA technical guidance on BAT for composting

Following a consultation earlier in the year, SEPA have published their guidance on Best Available Techniques (BAT) for composting. The REA worked with SEPA and responded to the consultation on behalf of our members. We are pleased that SEPA took on board some of the comments and issues raised. 

The document aims to provide clear guidance on the composting process and on what SEPA considers to be BAT for the composting of waste. The essence of BAT is that the selection of techniques to protect the environment should achieve an appropriate balance between realising environmental benefits and costs incurred by operators. 

The guidance is split into schedules:
  • Schedule 2 outlines the high level definition of composting. 
  • Schedule 3 contains technical guidance on the process and the key emissions along with how the process should be controlled to minimise these emissions and their effects on the environment and human health. It lays out a variety of issues which will require consideration during the initial permitting of a composting facility. It is intended as background information for operators preparing applications and officers determining applications and preparing permits, not as BAT conditions. It is not the intention to apply this guidance to the consequential offsite storage or use of compost although elements may be regarded as best practice.
  • Schedule 4 details what SEPA considers to be BAT for several key elements of the process and what conditions could be considered to reflect this.

You can download the full document HERE.

Published: 07/12/2015
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