
Update on discussions with the EA regarding Oversize

The ORG has been in discussion with the EA for a while with regards to an End of Waste (EoW) position on oversize from composting. Oversize is found on every composting facility in the country and can be challenging to find end markets for. We have been in discussion with our members and the EA to try to work towards a solution that operators can comply with.

Finding an EoW position is both complex and time consuming and at this time there is no 'easy' solution available for industry to use.

Redwynn Sterry from the Environment Agency who is an advisor on the  'Definition of Waste' team is happy to respond individually to any concerns that members may have on this subject. He  can be contacted directly on

The ORG plan to hold a meeting in January at which Redwynn will present the EAs latest thinking on this issue, as soon as a date is known we will circulate this to members.

We are also taking this forward to the Biowaste Regulatory forum, and will provide an update when we have news.

For more information please contact Jeremy.

Published: 01/12/2015

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