
Doing it differently: AD and Composting in Scotland

Scotland has an ambitious Zero Waste Plan which aims to make the most efficient use of resources. An organics recycling strategy forms a key part of this plan, which includes strict targets for recycling and landfill avoidance that go well beyond those required by European legislation. The targets and proposed bans mean that action has been taken and will be taken in future to increase the quantity, and quality, of resources which are sent for composting and anaerobic digestion. In addition to the on-going divergence between Scottish and English recycling targets, there are also differences in regulatory approaches.

The increased availability of compost and digestate has stimulated the development of new markets for these materials in Scotland, but whilst agriculture remains the most significant market, it is in some ways the most precarious. 

First presented by Dr Audrey Litterick of Earthcare Technical at the 20th European Biosolids Conference, this paper by David Tompkins - AquaEnviro, Audrey Litterick - Earthcare Technical and Alison McKinnie - Zero Waste Scotland describes the differences between the organics recycling sectors in Scotland and England and draws conclusions on the impact of government targets incentives, government targets, the regulatory regimes, recent research and market demands on the development of composting and anaerobic digestion in each country.

Full paper HERE.

Published: 30/11/2015


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