
REA respond to Government's Cutting Red Tape Consultation

The Government were calling for feedback as part of their Cutting Red Tape consultation. The waste review was aiming to look at the impact of regulations across the waste industry, from production and processing to collection, disposal and treatment. It will be used to identify and remove barriers to advancing the sector while ensuring human health and the environment remain protected. 

The ORG highlighted the consultation to our members and canvassed their views. We received input from a range of members and incorporated their comments, feedback and evidence into our response. The draft response was circulated to members for comment and a copy of the final response can be found HERE.

Thanks to all members who contributed.

The Cutting Red Tape team have also let us know that they are also considering ideas for further reviews to be launched at the end of 2015 – so please let them know of sectors and topics you think would be worth exploring. If you are able to support your suggestion with examples of the regulatory burdens affecting your sector and their impact that would be really helpful. Please let Jeremy know your thoughts.

Published: 25/09/15
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