
SEPA Consultation on enforcement policy and guidance

SEPA have opened their consultation on new enforcement policy and guidance and they welcome comments.

The Regulatory Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 (RR(S) Act) has enabled the Scottish Ministers to give SEPA the power to impose fixed and variable monetary penalties and accept enforcement undertakings (the enforcement measures). The enforcement measures form part of the new environmental enforcement framework for Scotland that will enable more proportionate and flexible enforcement. They will help ensure that SEPA have the right tools to change the behaviour of those who continue to perform poorly or ignore their responsibilities, and will help them tackle non-compliance at an earlier stage before it becomes entrenched.

This consultation covers those elements of the environmental enforcement framework which are required to be produced by SEPA. They are seeking views in this consultation on:

The new environmental enforcement framework is a key aspect of the SEPA and Scottish Government joint Better Environmental Regulation Programme. It will be accompanied by other changes to the way SEPA regulates activities, to increasingly focus their effort where it is most needed. This will result in more effective protection and improvement of the environment and help generate positive outcomes both for communities and the economy.

SEPA is seeking comments on the proposals from interested parties including regulated customers, trade associations, representative bodies, local authorities and NGOs, as well as members of the public. 

They are seeking your views on the enforcement policy and guidance to ensure the new environmental enforcement framework is implemented in a way that ensures proper transparency and accountability.

The information provided in the consultation will allow you to make informed comments on the draft enforcement policy and guidance. Your comments will inform the content of SEPA's final documents.

Full consultation can be found HERE.

How to respond:
You are encouraged to respond to this consultation by completing the online survey. However, you can also respond by sending your views and comments on the proposals in this paper to the following address: Wendy Thornton, Regulatory Reform Manager, SEPA, Clearwater House, Heriot Watt Research Park, Avenue North, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AP. Or e-mail:

Responses should be submitted to SEPA by 22 October 2015. Earlier responses would be welcome.

REA are planning to respond to this consultation. Please send your comments to Jenny by 12th October 2015.

Published: 27/07/15 

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