
Consultation on Circular Economy

The European Commission published, on 28th May 2015, a public consultation on the Circular Economy.

The Commission is aiming to present a new, more ambitious circular economy strategy late in 2015, to transform Europe into a more competitive resource-efficient economy, addressing a range of economic sectors, including waste. The strategy will be fully aligned with the priorities of the new Commission. It will comprise a revised legislative proposal on waste and a Communication setting out an action plan on the circular economy for the rest of this Commission’s term of office. The action plan will cover the whole value chain, and focus on concrete measures with clear EU added value, aiming at ‘closing the loop’ of the circular economy. The Commission is engaged in a thorough reflection on how the objective of circular economy can be reached in an efficient way that is fully compatible with the jobs and growth agenda.

Consultation details can be seen HERE.

The European Parliament's most recent resolution, made on 9th July 2015, indicates what the European Commission's package of Circular Economy documents can be expected to contain.  N.B.: the resolution is an important, high level document that includes a sub-section relevant to waste management, titled 'Towards Zero Waste'. 

In response to this, the Commission aims to have completed its proposal documents by end of 2015. 

This consultation is relevant to producers of composts and digestates because: 
  • feedback was sought on the main obstacles to the development of markets for secondary raw materials in the EU, 
  • consultees were invited to prioritise up to 3 types of secondary raw materials that should be targeted for improving ways in which their markets work, and
  • the secondary raw material categories included a type termed 'Bio-nutrients' which are described as 'Recovered material such as nitrogen, or phosphorus and organic matter (from e.g. sewage sludge and farm organic matter residues), for use as fertiliser.'. 

Stakeholder responses to this consultation will influence decision making on whether and how to update the EU Fertilisers Regulation.  We anticipate that a proposed revised version of it will be included in the package of documents that the Commission puts forward to the European Council and Parliament by the end of 2015.   

The Commission's deadline for responses was 20th August 2015. 

Renewable Energy Association's response

Answers to the on-line questionnaire

Position statement

Other organisations that the REA works with have submitted their responses.  Please note that on some issues we continue to have divergent opinions.

European Biogas Association's response

European Compost Network's response


Members can contact Emily Nichols on 07771 556231 or for discussion of Circular Economy issues.

Published: 28/05/2015  Last updated: 18/08/2015
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