
Business rates for renewable fuelled power generation plants (including AD)

GVA have produced for REA a Briefing note on Business Rates for Renewable fuelled power generation plants. 

The next revaluation of the Rateable Value (RV) is due to apply from April 2017, and thus any market and cost evidence as at 1st April 2015 will be analysed and used to set the rateable values the next Revaluation period. The paper explains how the RV is calculated, what is rateable and illustrates some case studies. It also gives a summary of the key issues the operator needs to be aware of and how industry can lobby to influence the revaluation process. More about this subject will be presented at the next Biogas meeting on 30th April.

Non-domestic rating exemptions are covered by schedule 5 of The Local Government Finance Act 1988. However please note that the Valuation Office Agency has recently confirmed to the REA that as AD plants are usually installed with the object of exporting electricity to the grid or local DNO, then they fail the test for agricultural exemption. 

Briefing note HERE.

Updated 26/03/15
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