
Statistics on waste managed by local authorities in England in 2013-2014


Data on waste management is collected to monitor policy effectiveness, particularly the commitments in the Waste Review and to support policy development in the context of the recycling target set out in the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) that 50 per cent of ‘waste from households’ is recycled, prepared for reuse or composted by 2020.

The underlying data held in WasteDataFlow is used extensively by local and central government, the waste industry and the public. It is reported by all local authorities, often from management information supplied by their waste management contractor.

Factors affecting ‘household waste’ range from individual household behaviours, the advice and collection services provided by local authorities, the increasing cost of Landfill Tax, and to some extent wider issues like the state of the economy.

Some quarterly waste data shows a clear seasonal fluctuation. This may be due to various factors, in particular for recycling a seasonal decrease in the amount of garden waste being generated in the autumn/winter months. For this reason
comparisons should be made with the same quarter in previous years or using full 12 month periods.


  • For the 2013 calendar year, the ‘waste from households’ recycling rate was 44.2 per cent. This is up very slightly on the 44.1 per cent achieved for 2012. It has increased from 43.3 per cent in 2011.
  • There is an EU target for the UK to recycle at least 50 per cent of waste generated by households by 2020.
  • The most recent quarterly data are for January to March 2014. The rolling 12 month Ã¢Â€Â˜waste from households’ recycling rate to end March 2014 was 44.5 per cent. This is slightly higher than the 2013 calendar year figure of 44.2 per cent, particularly influenced by organic recycling returning to more typical levels in January to March 2014 against a
    relatively low level in January to March 2013.
  • In 2013 total ‘Waste from Households’ amounted to 403kg per person, a decrease of 2.0 per cent on 2012. Total ‘Waste from Households’ amounted to 21.6 million tonnes in 2013.

Organics Recycling

The amount of ‘waste from households’ sent for organic recycling in 2013 was 4.6 per cent lower than in 2012. This was   particularly influenced by untypically low organic recycling in the quarter January to March 2013, 25 per cent down on the same quarter in 2012; for the quarter July to September organic recycling was also down 10 per cent in 2013, against a high level of recycling in 2012 for this quarter.

The amount of food waste sent for composting (including anaerobic digestion) has more than doubled since 2010 and in 2013 was 273 thousand tonnes – a 19 per cent increase compared to 2012. This represents a very small proportion in terms of overall waste composition.

Overall, the composition of ‘waste from households’ has changed very little since 2010.

Further details on this can be found HERE

Updated: 03/12/14

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