
Update on plans for revision of the EU Fertilisers Regulation

EBA workshop

On 15th October the REA attended the European Biogas Association's workshop on digestates.  (Click HERE to view the workshop agenda.)  Talks included the Commission's latest proposal for a revised EU Fertilisers Regulation (including End of Waste criteria for composts and digestates derived from wastes), consideration of digestate under the REACH Regulation and its potential exemption, and the ABP legislation requirements for digestate application.

Click HERE to download the presentations that REA has obtained so far.  Please note that the proposed criteria are different for some of the parameters since previously proposed and discussed.

REA and ADBA also spent time with the EBA before the workshop discussing the issues and views, with the aim of achieving consensus where possible.

What next?

After the final Working Group(s) meeting in December 2014 (meeting organised and run by the Commission) and finalisation of the proposals and impact assessment they will be submitted to the college of the European Commissioners early next year.  After this the proposals will go to the European Council and undergo a co-decision procedure. There will be opportunity for Member States to express their concerns when the proposals are submitted to the European Council.  

Since the EBA workshop REA has emailed the relevant Commissioners about two technical aspects of the proposals.  There are a few other topics where we may need Commission clarification in order to assess the potential impact on UK producers of composts and digesates and return views.

REA also participated in a multi-UK organisation conference call with relevant European Commission people on 3rd October.  Key feedback from that discussion will be uploaded as a link in this article next week.  

  1. have begun work on a new comments paper and aim to send this to the Commission as soon as possible, 
  2. intend to liaise with Renewable Energy Assurance Limited to obtain from UK labs more up to date data on compost and digestate quality,
  3. are considering establishing an EU Fert Reg working group to enable quick 2-way exchange of information and discussion of views,
  4. will continue to work constructively with other UK trade bodies, WRAP and Defra with the aim of returning consistent key messages to the Commission. 

Please contact emily@r-e-a (07771 556231) if you wish to discuss this latest update or confirm your interest in participating in an EUFR working group.

Article created: 24/10/2014

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