
Where are we with the review of the Waste Treatment BREF?

What is the Waste Treatment BREF

This is the EU reference document containing conclusions on what represent BAT (Best Available Techniques) for the Waste Treatment sector. The WT BREF issued in 2006 is currently being reviewed. Once released (probably in 2016), the environmental regulator will be enforcing the BAT conclusions set out in the new Waste Treatment BREF. 

Drafting the Chapters of the Waste Treatment BREF

The Waste Treatment BREF will contain a number of chapters, including:

• Chapter 3: Current Consumption and Emissions levels
• Chapter 4: Techniques to consider for the determination of BATs (a descriptive chapter, which is a catalogue of techniques and associated monitoring used for preventing emissions to air, water (including groundwater) and soil or, where this is not practicable, for reducing emissions). 
• Chapter 5: BATs conclusions for waste treatments

A biological group including European and national trade bodies as well as member state representatives was activated few months ago by the JRC to assist with the drafting of these chapters. The REA is part of this group and has been contributing to the drafting of chapters 4 and 5 for composting and AD.  By being actively involved in the drafting, we hope we can ensure they do not result in disproportionate requirements for the industry. We repeatedly consulted with our members on the draft chapters. 

Once these draft chapters are submitted to the JRC, this organisation will review them and consider them for inclusion in the Waste Treatment BREF.  Results from the data collation (see below) will also inform the contents of these chapters. 

Data collation

In July 2014 the JRC-IPTS launched a plant-specific data collation which will be used to draw Best Available Techniques and define BAT AELs (emission levels) for the waste sector.

Data will be collated from 556 plants across Europe. 64 plants from the UK have agreed to participate in the data collation, of which 19 composting plants, 15 AD plants and 2 MBT plants.  The data collation will have to be completed by 31.10.2014 at the latest. Results from the data collation will inform the contents of chapters 3, 4 and 5 of the WT BREF. 

Biological group meeting in London

REA has agreed to host a meeting of the biological group in London on 22nd and 23rd September. At the meeting the group will discuss and seek common ground on some outstanding issues, including what represent BAT conclusions for the purpose of minimising bioaerosols from waste treatment activities. 

Next steps

First draft of the revised BREF:
Tentatively: during spring 2015. This will be written by the JRC taking into account our draft Chapters 4 and 5 and the results of the data collation

Commenting period on the first draft:
Tentatively: spring - summer 2015

Assessment of the need for a second draft:
September 2015

Final TWG meeting:
Tentatively: 1st quarter 2016

Final draft delivered to the IED Article 13 forum meeting:
Tentatively: 2016

If you require any clarification, please contact Kiara ( 

Last update: 15/09/2014

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