

Final Report on End of Waste for composts and digestates from the JRC

The JRC-IPTS have finally sent the final report containing the technical proposals on End of Waste for composts and digestates to the Members of the Technical Working Group (including the ORG of REA, formerly AfOR). This can be found at

DG Environment will now take over the lead and decide on the next steps to take in the policy making process.
Defra's summary of the final report can be found HERE.

See below the message sent by the JRC-IPTS to the WG members:

'Dear Members of the Technical Working Group,

First of all, I would like to transmit you my best wishes for 2014. After 3 years of intensive collaboration, I am pleased to send you herewith the link to the Final Report with Technical Proposals for End-of-waste criteria for biodegradable waste subjected to biological treatment (compost/digestate).

Since this is a final report, we will no longer collect technical input. Nonetheless, I am confident that the above report reflects the different viewpoints and issues that were highlighted during the various workshops and written consultations and provides a set of scientifically sound proposals accommodating the wide spectrum of techno-economic considerations.

I take this opportunity to thank everyone of the Technical Working Group who has contributed to the outcome of this work. Furthermore, I would like to express my gratitude to those people outside the TWG who have helped to realize this project, including our IPTS administrative staff, people at the various composting and AD plants, the JRC-IES analytical team, external laboratories and everyone else who was involved in one way or another.

With the finalization of the Technical Proposals, the role of the JRC-IPTS has also largely come to an end.  As with the other end-of-waste proposals that were prepared by the JRC-IPTS, DG Environment will now take over the lead and decide on the next steps to take in the policy making process. Therefore, should you have any questions regarding the forthcoming policy initiatives related to these Technical Proposals, I kindly suggest you contact Mr Bartosz Zambrzycki at DG Environment.

Best regards

Hans Saveyn

on behalf of the JRC-IPTS End-of-waste team'

Last update: 09/01/2014

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