
August 2013: Update on PAS 110 review
The first BSI convened PAS 110 Steering Group meeting was held on 13th May and included discussion of digestate stability issues. Relevant action points were that:
  • EA to set out the requirements that demonstrate full recovery from wastes including a summary of case law related to the Waste Framework Directive (WFD).
  • WRAP to work up action plan for a workshop with the objectives to secure a consensus position on a test that demonstrates recovery of waste through anaerobic digestion – stakeholders’ evidence required on values, test; suitable question required to pose to industry in advance of this workshop. 
  • Trade bodies to help in organising the workshop and bringing operators together.
  • WRAP to sort out a starter document on questions that could be addressed in this workshop – to put out to consultation within the Steering Group, and thence to the wider AD community
A wide range of views have been expressed on the RBP test, with some operators able to meet it with ease, and others with difficulty – or not at all.  This diversity of experience is one reason that the Steering Group suggested that a workshop take place, so that all options for change can be heard.
Please download below the Minutes and Actions from the first BSi Steering group meeting:

Minutes of the first BSi Steering group meeting
Actions from the first BSI Steering group meeting

Future steps include:

The RBP workshop is likely to be held in late October, the intention being, at least in part, to give industry time to provide further evidence in support of their ‘case for change’.
Prior to the workshop, trade associations (including REA) will be in contact with their members to collate any evidence/data that could be used in support of an industry request for change to the test and/or limit.
WRAP is also planning to arrange a meeting in the autumn of the PAS110 Steering Group and any additional representatives from the environmental regulators who are necessary to provide the required clarity on the issues surrounding digestate recovery and stability.
You can find below WRAP presentation which was delivered by WRAP at the workshop with the farm assurance schemes held on 2nd August. The presentation summarises the PAS 110 review process and the key aspects discussed at the workshop.

Presentation from Farm Assurance workshop – 2nd August 2013
Last update: 22/08/2013

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