
EU EoW: feedback invited on draft final technical report
After JRC-ITPS's third workshop with the Technical Working Group and invited experts on 26th February and review of subsequent feedback from TWG members and other stakeholders, on 31st July JRC-ITPS provided the fourth and final draft of its technical report on 'End-of-waste criteria for biodegradable waste subjected to biological treatment'.  This report proposes criteria for EU EoW critieria, which will be considered by the European Commission later in the year.
JRC-IPTS has invited TWG experts to provide feedback on the report, to be received by 23rd September 2013.  Please see their communication below.
Defra's summary of the contents and issues associated with the final technical report can be found HERE.
REA's response
REA's response can be downloaded HERE.
JRC-IPTS communication

"Dear Technical Working Group Members

Herewith, we are pleased to provide you with the Draft Final Report on End-of-waste criteria for Biodegradable waste subjected to biological treatment.

The report reflects to a great extent the proposals as presented in the latest Background Paper and discussed at the Third Workshop in February of this year.  The document also contains a large number of newly introduced references and data sources from literature and provided by experts. These information sources, together with technical and scientific arguments from experts have been discussed extensively in the Draft Final report.

We would like to thank the experts for the very helpful input received during the Third Workshop and the large amount of very valuable technical and scientific data that we received afterwards. 

We would like to invite all TWG experts to comment on the correctness of the data and to provide any new technical or editorial comments using the Word template attached. For your convenience, we have provided the document with line numbers as to facilitate referencing to a certain text fragment. If you believe that certain phrasings/formulations could be improved or clarified, please feel free to suggest a more suitable alternative.

Please send your contributions to the following email address:

Given that the large majority of the current proposals has been introduced earlier and have been discussed extensively before, we are confident that the input on this Draft Final Report can be provided in a relatively short time period.  We will consider all feedback received by the deadline of 23/9/2013 for drafting the Final Report. We aim at issuing this Final Report in the autumn of 2013.

At this point, we will no longer consider political or technical items that have been extensively discussed during the Workshops and in the written consultations and for which the wide spectrum of arguments have been reflected in detail in this Working Document. These include inter alia discussions on the scope inclusion of sludge and MBT materials, the lowering or raising of limit values for heavy metals, the necessity for organic pollutant measurements, etc.

We thank you very much in advance for your understanding and collaboration.  Looking forward to your valuable input."
Please click HERE to download JRC-IPTS's draft final report and HERE to download the template for making comments.
Note: the report comprises 289 pages so is likely to take more time to download than most documents available via our website.  
Responding to JRC-IPTS and collaborating with ECN and EBA
As a member of the TWG, ORG will submit a response to JRC-IPTS by their deadline of 23rd SeptemberWe will also communicate with Defra and participate in any EU EoW meeting that they convene, as they will be drawing up the UK government response to this final draft of JRC-ITPS's technical report and proposed EU EoW criteria. 
Any member of the REA Organics Recycling and/or Biogas Sector Groups is welcome to provide feedback to ORG, as too are participants in REAL's Biofertiliser Certification Scheme and Compost Certification Scheme.
Please contact Kiara Zennaro (tel 07717 294793, if you would like to discuss EoW issues and/or provide information and feedback.
ORG's deadline for receiving responses from members is 16th September.  
ORG will also be communicating with the European Compost Network and European Biogas Association as both of these organisations are members of the TWG.  The ECN's and EBA's deadline for receipt of comments is 5th September, after which they will finalise and submit their responses to JRC-IPTS.  Consequently, if ORG members return any information / feedback to us before 5th September we will do our best to take this into account when responding to ECN and EBA invitation for feedback. 
The REA website's page on the EU EoW topic is at
Webpage published: 5th August 2013.
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