
EU EoW: feedback requested after February workshop
JRC-ITPS's third workshop with the Technical Working Group and invited experts was held on 26th February 2013 in Seville.  Topics covered in JRC-ITPS's recent Background Paper (see previous article) were discussed and informal notes on key points can be downloaded by clicking HERE.
On 6th March 2013, the JRC-ITPS sent the following communication:

"Dear Members of the Technical Working Group

First of all, we would like to thank all the stakeholders who participated in the Third Workshop for their constructive contributions. We are pleased to provide you with a copy of the slides used for the discussions, as well as a list of participants present at the workshop. 

During the 3rd Workshop several experts made reference to additional technical and scientific information and studies.  Hence we would like to invite you to provide us with relevant additional technical and scientific information, including;
  • further results from the monitoring of pollutants in compost and digestate (especially with regard to organic pollutants),
  • more data on costs for measurement of organic and inorganic pollutants,
  • comparative data on impurities measurement by optical sieving and bleach methods, and
  • further information and proposals on methods and limits used for stability measurement of compost and digestate in the different Member States.


Furthermore we would still welcome concrete proposals of how to set up systems for spot monitoring of organic pollutants.

We would appreciate to receive the information per organization or Member State as a summary document of maximum 5 pages (in English), with supporting documents attached or provided through clear and easily accessible references (e.g. URL to pdf documents, preferably in EN/DE/FR). Please send the information by e-mail to

The deadline for your contributions is Wednesday 17th April 2013.

We will then prepare an updated report and send it to the Technical Working Group for comments.

We thank you very much in advance for your kind help and collaboration."

Working document slides presented at the workshop:
Click HERE to download slides introducing the project and workkshop,
Click HERE to download slides about the JRC's Sampling and Analysis campaign,
Click HERE to download slides about product quality criteria,
Click HERE to download slides about input material criteria,
Click HERE to download slides about other items on the workshop agenda and wrap up.
Responding to JRC-ITPS
ORG will submit a response to JRC-ITPS by their deadline.  We will also feed information into Defra by their deadline of 10th April, who will be drawing up the UK government response to JRC-ITPS. 
Any member of the REA Organics Recycling and/or Biogas Sector Groups is welcome to provide information and proposals relevant to the topics JRC-ITPS has described above, preferably before Defra's 10th April deadline.  We also welcome information and proposals from participants in REAL's Biofertiliser Certification Scheme and/or Compost Certification Scheme. 
Please contact Emily Nichols (tel 07771 556231, if you would like to discuss EoW issues and/or provide information and proposals.
Webpage published: 13th March 2013.
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