EU EoW: Responses to 3rd working draft proposals
The European Commission Joint Research Centre's Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS) is nearing the end of its technical study on end-of-waste criteria for biodegradable waste subject to biological treatment (aerobic composting and anaerobic digestion). This study will provide recommendations for the European Commission to consider when drafting its proposals for EoW criteria that will later be discussed and voted on in the European Parliament.
JRC-ITPS wrote to EoW Techncial Working Group members on 10th August inviting their review and comments on the third draft of the techncial working document. This, their final consultation on EoW criteria for biodegradable waste subject to biological treatment, closed on 21st September.
AfOR's response
Click HERE for AfOR's updated response to proposals in JRC-ITPS's 3rd draft working document.
Click HERE for AfOR's updated response to JRC-ITPS's proposed positive lists which would control the inputs allowed to be fed into composting and digestion processes.
Biofertiliser Certification Scheme's response
Click HERE for the response from Renewable Energy Assurance's Biofertiliser Certification Scheme.
Defra's response
Click HERE for Defra's response to proposals in JRC-ITPS's 3rd draft working document.
Click HERE for Defra's covering letter.
European Compost Network's response
In it's newsletter of October 2012, ECN stated that it "opposes this approach due to the practical and conceptual problems it raises".
Click HERE for ECN's position statement in response to JRC-ITPS's 3rd draft working document.
FEAD's response
Click HERE for FEAD's comments in response to proposals in JRC-ITPS's 3rd draft working document.
European Federation for Agricultural Recycling's response
Click HERE for EFAR's response to proposals in JRC-ITPS's 3rd draft working document.
Italy's response
Click HERE for Italy's response to the proposals in JRC-ITPS's 3rd draft working document and HERE for their covering message.
Click HERE for Italy's resposne to JRC-ITPS's proposed positive lists.
Please contact Emily Nichols (tel 01933 446442, if you would like to discuss EoW issues.
Webpage last updated: 15th October 2012.
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