EU EoW criteria for biodegradable waste subject to biological treatment ~ 3rd draft document
The European Commission's Joint Reserch Centre wrote to EoW Techncial Working Group members on 10th August inviting their review and comments on the third draft of the techncial working document. 
"Herewith, we are pleased to provide you with the Third Draft Document on End-of-waste criteria for Biodegradable waste subject to biological treatment. We thank you for your patience and the very helpful input received during the last stakeholder consultation."
"We would like to invite you to comment on the correctness of the data and to provide any new technical comments using the Word template attached. For your convenience, we have provided the document with line numbers as to facilitate referencing to a certain text fragment. If you believe that certain phrasings / formulations could be improved or clarified, please feel free to provide a better alternative.  We don't expect you to provide lay-out / typographical comments as a final check on e.g. references and numbering of Annexes will be done before publication."
"We also have attached an Excel template for correcting or improving the positive lists."

"Please send your contributions to the following email address: We will consider all feedback received by the deadline of 21/9/2012."

"At this point, we will no longer consider political or technical items that have been extensively discussed during the Workshops and in the written consultations and for which the arguments have been reflected in this Working Document. These include a.o. discussions on the usefulness of end-of-waste criteria for compost/digestate, the eligibility of sludge and MBT materials, the lowering or raising of limit values for heavy metals, etc."
"We thank you very much in advance for your understanding and collaboration."
As a member of the Technical Working Group, AfOR will be submitting a response.  Please contact Emily Nichols (tel 01933 446442, if you would like to discuss EoW issues and AfOR's response.
Webpage published: 20th August 2012.
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