
Update, April 2012: study on EoW criteria for biodegradable waste subject to biological treatment 

The European Commission's JRC-ITPS* has provided an update on the progress of its study on           End-of-Waste criteria for Biodegradable Waste subject to Biological Treatment.

Several factors have led to JRC-ITPS reviewing its initial planned timetable:
  • Some of the feedback from the consultation was received several weeks after their deadline of 11/01/2012.
  • Due to the unexpected success of the sampling/analysis campaign, there was a delay in the logistics for sending sampling bottles and receiving samples. The last samples were received as late as December 2011, so the labs are still in the phase of analyzing some compounds (note: some committed samples did not arrive, but sample collection was stopped by the end of 2011).
  • Some of the analyses are done in house at JRC-IES, whereas other analyses are performed by independent laboratories with specific know-how. However, the latter collaborate with JRC-ITPS in this exercise on a voluntary basis and therefore priority treatment for these analyses cannot be requested.
Given the importance with which JRC-ITPS views stakeholders' latest feedback and the outcome of the analysis campaign for sound decision making, this organisation wants to make sure that it has 'all the elements available' before updating and distributing a new working document.

JRC-ITPS hopes to provide an updated version of the working document before the summer of 2012. Depending on the final need for information, they might then decide on further actions, which could consist of e.g. a written consultation on a very restricted number of open items or just the possibility to provide editorial comments.

JRC-ITPS intends to communicate the further progress by 15th May and has requested that stakeholders refrain from contacting them beforehand with requests for intermediate updates on the working document or analytical results.
When AfOR receives JRC-ITPS's progress update, it will be commuciated to AfOR members via our e-news bulletin and under the Technical Info section of our website.

* European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)
Article published on AfOR website: 30th April 2012.
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