AfOR's response to consultation: EU EoW criteria for biowastes
The European Commission Joint Research Centre's Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-ITPS) consulted on proposed EU End of Waste criteria for biodegradable waste subject to biological treatment (EU EoW BT), from November 2011 until 11th January 2012.
AfOR submitted a detailed response to JRC-ITPS, which can be accessed by clicking HERE. In addition, AfOR submitted requests for positive list biodegradable wastes that are, or seem, suitable as allowed inputs to EoW composting and anaerobic digestion processes.  These requests are set out on worksheets in the Excel document downloadable by clicking HERE.
This consultation is important because if EU EoW BT critera enter into force, they will replace the national EoW criteria that any EC Member State already has in place.  AfOR's Compost Certification Scheme would be realigned to the EC EoW criteria for composts and we anticipate that composters would be allowed time to make the transition from 'PAS 100 and Compost Quality Protocol' certification to 'EC EoW for compost' certification.
Impact of EU EoW BT criteria on UK EoW criteria for composts and digestates

In future, if EU EoW BT criteria enter into force, they will replace national EoW criteria that any EU Member State already has in place that have the same or similar scope, i.e. for composts replace the Compost Quality Protocol and PAS 100, and for digestates replace the AD Quality Protocol (and equivalent in Scotland) and PAS 110.

We envisage that AfOR's Compost Certification Scheme would be realigned to the EU EoW BT criteria relevant to compositng and composts. Similarly, we anticipate that the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme would be realigned to the EU EoW BT criteria anaerobic digestion and digestates.

In addition, we have emphasised to JRC-ITPS that adequate transition time is essential for the UK, both in terms of updating certification schemes and allowing composters time to make the transition from 'PAS 100 and Compost Quality Protocol' certification to 'EC EoW for compost' certification.  Similarly, if laboratories, certification schemes and their contracted certification bodies are required to be accredited, a longer transition time will be needed.

Please contact if you wish to discuss any aspect of the proposals, consultation and/or AfOR's response.
Published on AfOR's website: 20th January 2012.
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