
Closed consultation: EU EoW criteria for biowastes
Background to the consultation
The European Commission is preparing proposals for End of Waste (EoW) criteria for specific waste streams; they must comply with the legal conditions set in Article 6 of the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC), and be developed by following methodology guidelines established by the Joint Research Centre's Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-ITPS).
The European process that is establishing EoW criteria for biodegradable waste subject to biological treatment (compost and digestate) is at an advanced stage; the scope has been set, major points have been discussed and a detailed second working document provides the proposed EoW criteria.
The JRC-ITPS realises that some items need clarification, that data gaps could exist and some questions remain to be answered.  Additional information from stakeholders is now invited on;
  • items that merit additional information and numerical data,
  • specific questions that remained opten during the drafting of the second working document,
  • new questions that have been raised following publication of the second working document.
Consultation topics
Twenty four questions
Stakeholders were invited to provide feedback on 24 questions in the JRC-ITPS's 'Stakeholder input request' document and were given opportunity to provide feedback on 'important parts of information' that may be lacking, where they have not been covered by the questionnaire.
Positive lists for allowed inputs to composting and digestion processes
Stakeholders were invited to provide feedback about the different waste types on the lists, e.g to modify their definitions or to exclude specific waste types. Waste types not on the list already can also be requested, with justification. Please see the spreadsheet file's worksheets named 'Instructions on positive lists', 'positive list compost' and 'positive list digestate'.
Provision of information about composts and digestates
Stakeholders were invited to provide feedback on which compost / digestate parameters must be declared and what information to deliver with the compost / digestate in a statement of conformity or otherwise (e.g. on a printed bag or separate document).  Please see the spreadsheet file's worksheets named 'Instructions on info provision' and 'Provision of information'.
Consultation dates
This consultation was open from late November 2011 until 11th January 2012.
AfOR's response to the consultation
AfOR has provided a separate website article about the significance of this consultation and AfOR's response to it.  Please contact if you wish to discuss the proposals and/or consultation.   
Last updated on AfOR's website: 21/02/2012
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