
Organics Recycling Industry - Status report 2015

WRAP have published a report that provides a snapshot of the status of the UK’s organics recycling industry in 2014. It covers compost and AD activities, but excludes MBT or sewage-based AD. It is a collation of data captured by WRAP, NNFCC, ADBA, REA, Defra, Environment Agency, Zero Waste Scotland and other public data sources. The study reports data where available covering England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It is not a comprehensive survey as in previous years.

The Full report can be found here.

The Organics recycling industry is maturing, compost more mature than AD.


  • From 2012 where 105 plants processed 2.4 mt of inputs and generated 120MWe to 2014 where 259 plants processed 5.3 mt ( with an operational capacity of 6.6mt) and provided 238 MWe of generating capacity
  • Majority of feedstock was food waste, 35% followed by crops at 26%
  • Local authorities sent 314k tonnes of food waste to AD in Great Britain, which was split: England-192kt, Wales-53kt, Scotland-70kt
  • Majority of food waste came direct from commercial and Industrial sources (1.5mt)
  • Estimated food waste still remaining in the residual waste stream is 4.45 mt
  • It is estimated within the report that 4.5 mt of digestate was produced in 2014, a rise of 56% from the previous year.
  • In 2014 0nly 19 sites had PAS 110 accreditation this has grown since to over 50 which suggests that markets for digestate are developing and the scheme is becoming more widely recognised.


  • More mature sector but still growing
  • Number of sites has increased from 271 in 2012 to 330 in 2015
  • Inputs in the same period grew from 5.85 mt to 5.92 mt
  • Majority of feedstock from local authorities
  • Green waste is the major feedstock, >70%
  • Agriculture continues to hold the main market share at over 60%
  • Highest value market is in landscaping with mean compost values of £10.52/tonne followed closely by horticulture at £8.51/t
  • Over half of all composting sites have PAS100 accreditation
  • Workforce has grown from 1184 in 2009 to an estimated 1434 in 2014

Download the full report.

Published: 08/05/17

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