
WRAP publish summary of risk assessments for compost and digestate

WRAP have published two reports that summarise the findings of projects commissioned by WRAP to investigate the safety of compost and digestate (meeting the PAS100 and PAS110 quality specifications), when used in agriculture and field horticulture. 

The compost report can be found here.  A wide range of hazards were considered and risks from compost use were considered to be low or negligible in all scenarios examined.

The digestate report can be found here. It also considered a wide range of hazards and risks from digestate use were considered to be acceptably low or negligible in all scenarios examined. 

The conclusions from this research underpin WRAP’s Ã¢Â€Â˜Renewable Fertiliser Matrix’ , which clearly illustrates cropping and grazing situations where green and green/food composts and digestates can be safely used.  The accompanying good practice guidance provides agronomic advice for compost and digestate use.

Published: 23/01/17

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