

Preparation for a Defra consultation on potential charges for services that AHVLA provide


Defra has invited industry views on a possible charging scheme for all sites that require inspection under the Animal By-Products regulations. There will be a formal consultation on this later in the year, however the Organics Recycling Group is keen to garner industry’s feedback prior to finalisation of the consultation documents. Currently you will be aware that site inspections by Animal Health vets and AHVLA approvals are free of charge.  However, in line with other government departments and the drive to reduce their costs, this proposal asks industry three questions and provides some indicative costs which may be applicable in the future.
More information can be found HERE, including Q&A and likely charges.


The ORG will soon meet with Animal Health to discuss the issues and would value your views on this matter so that we can pass on your comments. Please send your comments to You can also submit your comments directly to Animal Health at:


Although there is a date of 22nd May shown within the letter your comments will be considered as this consultation is due to last over the summer and autumn of 2013.


Should you have any comments, please email Jeremy at your earliest convenience.


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